A “Beehive” named Colmena: Technological responses for local and community media

Samahani, habari hii bado haijatafsiriwa katika lugha yako. The pandemic has weakened local and community media right when their reporting was most needed. However, many have turned this challenge into an opportunity.

Image: The Unión de Mujeres Aymaras de Abya Yala (UMA), a member of DW Akademie’s Colmena project, informs rural populations in southern Peru in the native language

Our program was paralyzed for about two months, because almost the entire community where the radio studio is located was infected with COVID-19” says Mariana Canelos, producer of the Amazon podcast Remando, member of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon. The impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had and still has on her work is tremendous. “We looked for a way to work via the internet, but although we live in urban areas, there is no electricity or cellular coverage.

Despite the importance of the media in combating misinformation, dozens of local and community media in Latin America, Asia and Africa have had to stop broadcasting because of the health crisis, just like Remando. These media are often the only source of reliable information for communities.

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